Central Bedfordshire is a safe place to live and work. Keeping the area safe is all about how we can help you and how we can help each other.

Look out for your neighbours

Get to know your neighbours. They will know who shouldn’t be around your home and garden when you’re away. Perhaps you could start a Neighbourhood Watch or Street Watch scheme where you live? Anyone’s suspicions should be reported to the Police.

Secure your gates, windows and doors

Stop burglars getting in without being seen by keeping back gates and sheds securely locked, hedges and trees trimmed and fencing fixed. Make sure all windows are doors are locked securely and fit intruder alarms. Don’t let burglars have easy access to your home.

Light up

If you are out or returning home after dark, leave lights on to create the impression you’re at home. If you can use light timers and outdoor sensory lights or leave a radio or TV on to deter burglars.


Register valuable and sentimental belongings on the national property database WWW.IMMOBOLISE.COM. This helps the Police to identify items and arrest and charge anyone responsible.

For further information contact your local policing team on 101

To report a burglary call 999