The Finance and General Purposes Committee comprises of 12 Members plus the Town and Deputy Town Mayor.

(i) To make decisions on overall Council policy

(ii) Without detracting from the duties and responsibilities of the other Committees, to review the effectiveness of the whole of the Council’s organisation, its standards and levels of service.

(iii) To consider and approve corporate arrangements for risk management.

(iv) To control the policies of all Committees and, where appropriate, to make recommendations thereon to the Council.

(v) To consider and make decisions on any matters referred to it by the Council or other Committees.

(vi) To determine all matters relating to financial issues and to recommend annual revenue and capital budgets to Council.

(vii) To advise the Council on the regulation and control of the Council’s finances; including in particular the financial implications and funding of any capital works.

viii) To control the collection of revenues of the Council and to write off irrecoverable amounts.
(ix) To determine policy regarding insurances.

(x) To receive auditors’ reports and make decisions as to any policy matters raised thereby or arising therefrom.

(xi) To make decisions regarding town twinning, hospitality, civic and public relations activities and any applications for grant aid.

(xii) To advise on the making of any byelaws not specifically the responsibility of any other Committee or District Council.

(xiii) To make decisions on all matters relating to all staff including proposals for additional staff to the Council’s establishment. The appointment of the Town Clerk and Chief Executive is the responsibility of the Council.

(xiv) To make recommendations to the Council on the conduct of its own business – including Standing Orders, Committee organisation and membership and calendar of meetings.

(xv) To make decisions on all matters relating to the Council’s premises including the determination of applications to use any of the facilities therein.

(xvi) To make decisions on any matters not specifically allocated to another Committee.

(xvii) To make decisions on all matters relating to Fire and Rescue Service, Trading Standards and Action Points falling to the Council by special arrangement with Central Bedfordshire Council.