The Community Services Committee comprises of 10 Members plus the Town and Deputy Town Mayor.

(i) To determine all issues relating to the management and maintenance of the Peter Newton Pavilion and Downside Community Centre, ‘Grove Corner’ (Youth and Community Centre) and the Mayfield Centre.

(ii) To determine all matters relating to the Council’s approach to delivering services to young people.

(iii) To determine all matters relating to the delivery of the Council’s holiday activities programme.

(iv) To keep under review the need for additional community facilities and to make recommendations as to how to satisfy such need.

(v) To assemble and submit to the Finance and General Purposes Committee an income and expenditure budget for each financial year in respect of all the services of this Committee.

vi) To be responsible for all matters relating to the Council’s approach to community safety and involvement in the Central Bedfordshire Community Safety Partnership and to liaise with Bedfordshire Police concerning community policing issues in respect of Dunstable.

(vii) To liaise with local voluntary organisations on the development of voluntary services.

viii) To determine all issues relating to the management of the Older People’s Day Care Services to the standard agreed in the Council’s contract with Central Bedfordshire Council.

(ix) To determine all matters relating to the Council’s annual events programme.

(x) To determine all matters relating to Priory House

(xi) To determine all matters relating to the Council’s provision of Christmas lighting in the town centre.